Become A Sponsor Of This Event!
The ICNJ Spring Workshop is held in early May each year. This event offers a great opportunity for our membership and other industry leaders to hear from our state regulators, industry colleagues and other insurance trades about what is relevant in the property/casualty market in the Garden State.
The day normally consists of two plenary topics with a registration period with breakfast and a break between the sessions. The sponsorship opportunities for this event are designed to increase your company’s visibility and will provide a great opportunity for your company to grow your clientele.
Sponsorship Options
(Available only to ICNJ Associate Members)
- Table-top exhibit
- Opportunity to distribute corporate information and promotional items
- Listing as a co-sponsor on the cover of the Program Guide
- Description of your company in the Program Guide
- Placement of company banner in General Session Hall
- Introduction of company representatives during welcoming remarks
- Two registrations for event
- Opportunity to distribute corporate information and promotional items
- Recognition from the podium during program
- One six-foot table with cloth cover and drape will be provided (no electric power)
- One registration for event
- Placard with company name displayed with continental breakfast setup
- Recognition from the podium during program
- One registration for event
Note: ICNJ accepts up to 3 Continental Breakfast Sponsors
PROGRAM AD – Black and White Ad In Event Program
- Full Page (8.5” x 11”) black and white ad $250
- Half Page (8.5” x 5.5”) black and white ad $125
- Quarter Page (4.25” x 5.5”) black and white ad $75
For sponsorship registration information or questions contact Mary Novak at (609) 393-0025 or